Geeko Builder

Do you know what Geeko Builder is? No? So let’s talk about it a little bit. Everybody probably knows who Geeko is. Geeko is that chameleon in SUSE logo. And what is Geeko Builder? It is a web application where you can dress up your Geeko. You can choose where to put him, what he should wear and few similar things. One disadvantage I found is that you have to choose from limited number of items and backgrounds available already in builder and you can’t upload your own background or item. After creating your Geeko, you can download your picture in big resolution and use it as a background or as an avatar. Other interesting thing is that after saving your Geeko, your image will appear in gallery where people can vote for it. And the best pictures will win some price in the end according to the site.

As an example, I’ll show you my Geeko and tell you something about it. When I was child, one of my favorite cartoons was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. So I designed my Geeko with one of that turtles in mind. Well, with limited items I creted Leonardo like Geeko.
