This is a first entry on my new blog. Maybe the first statement can be just “First post!!!”, but I want to tell my potential readers why this blog was founded, what’s its purpose and what you can hopefully find here in the future.
The original reason to create this blog was to have some place where I can post my ideas about my work. I’m currently working as a package maintainer in SuSE and sometimes I’m facing some things that I think people should know about. But who reads mailing lists nowadays? If I’ll be good at blogging, I’ll be googleable and therefore these idea may actually find some audience. Well, other thing is that my first goal is to get aggregated on Planet SuSE, once this site will be finished enough.
While I was thinking about this stuff, I realized that this may be a good opportunity to create some personal pages about myself too. Well, everyone wants a little bit of attention and I’ll probably want to publish some personal stuff as well. Like photos from pubs and other social events. Maybe even my personal opinions about world around us. But that’s probably distant future, so don’t get scared 😉
Main focus of this blog will be probably Linux and OpenSource in general. Most of it will be probably about my work – about OpenSUSE and it’s tools, about MySQL I’m maintaining in OpenSUSE and maybe about some other packages. I’m also trying to participate in OpenSource software development whenever I have some free time, so you may expect some notes about that too.
So this is it – my first post here and I hope you will like my blog 😉
…and I hope this isn’t also the last post