YaST on mobile phone

Linux can run almost everywhere. For some time I was participating in Hacking & Development project, but lately I didn’t have enough time to keep up. But today I went to the SleepWalker’s office to take a look at his new Zaurus (NetWalker) and he gave me kernel that can run on my Centro. I tried it and I was thinking what rootfs should I try… I have in my longterm todo to try openSUSE ARM port which is a result of Google Summer of Code project. So why not? I tried it and here are the results – YaST running on mobile phone.

Updates in unstable repo (not only) for openSUSE

I already mentioned this repository several times on my blog. It is the repository where I’m trying to keep bleeding edge stuff for MySQL. I’ve been updating it recently and we’ve got new package there and some interesting updates I want to mention.

MariaDB and MySQL

First thing to mention is that this repository contains MariaDB builds. MariaDB is fork of MySQL and their goals are certainly interesting. For list of differences, try upstream page. As I consider it interesting, I’m keeping eye on it 😉 Maybe our users may benefit from it. But currently it is also a source of possible problems in this repository as it contains MySQL as well. I tried to modify both packages in such a manner that both provide mysql and conflict with each other. It should be possible for user to decide which “mysql” he wants. But as I’m still trying to test it and improve it, it may still contain some glitches. But I pushed it here, so you can try it and help to make it perfect. Currently available versions in this repository are MariaDB version 5.1.41 and MySQL version 5.5.1. You can decide which one do you want to try by installing either ‘mariadb’ package or ‘sun-mysql’ package. If you encounter any problems, please let me know. And as always, backup while you still have something to backup 😉

Media Wiki Theme – status update

Last time I informed you about Media Wiki theme I’ve been working on for our Umbrella project.  There were plenty of reactions to the screenshot. I’ll skip the positive feedback and let’s talk about the negative one. Most of the negative feedback was about the color. Some people didn’t liked that it is grey and not green. Robert responded to this and instead of citing him, you can read his whole reaction here. In short, grey has some advantages against green (high contrast, elegant, neutral, …) and we can use green elsewhere and for highlighting.

Status Report – Media Wiki Theme

As you may or may not know, I’m part of the openSUSE Boosters team and I’m working on umbrella project. Part of this project is to make all openSUSE pages look similar. What I was working on during last week was to addapt Roberts Bentoo theme for Media Wiki. And as I posted to my workreport that it is available internaly (as it is curently running on my machine only) I’m posting here sample screenshot 😉

MySQL Unstable Builds

It’s been some time already since I informed you about server: database: UNSTABLE repository in openSUSE Build Service. Today I want to mention what is going on there. As the name of the repository suggests, it’s probably not the best idea to use anything from here on your production servers 😉

MySQL 5.4

I’m keeping there MySQL 5.4. Currently in version 5.4.3 beta. 5.4 branch of MySQL contains some patches to improve performance. That is the reason why it might be interesting. Downside is that it isn’t released as often as 5.1 and it is not considered production ready. I already wrote something about this, so let’s move to something new.

LinuxAlt 2009 Overview

This weekend we were on LinuxAlt conference with my colleague Pavol Rusnak. It was really nice event, we met quite some people. I also learned some new things during the talks but I’m not going to write here about talks as others will surely write about them more deeply. I’m going to write something about the feedback we received and what we talked about with people.

openSUSE 11.2 DVDs

As I already mentioned before, we were giving out openSUSE 11.2 promo DVDs to the people attending conference. GoldMaster was created at Friday and we were burning DVDs during night and during conference and printing out covers to have something really fresh to give to the people. And we weren’t burning new DVDs fast enough as people were really interested. We came with 30 pre-burnt DVDs and they were out in no time and the rest had to wait till we burn some more. In the end 50 people was lucky enough and received shiny new openSUSE 11.2 directly from the oven.

LinuxAlt 2009

Michal Hrušecký

This is going to be just a little note. Tomorrow starts two day conference LinuxAlt in Brno in Czech Republic. I’m planning to attend as a mere mortal (no presentation or such). So if you want to speak to me in person, you can probably catch me there somewhere. I’ll be wearing some openSUSE t-shirt and I’ll probably have some other openSUSE/Novell stuff with on me. I’m attaching one of my latest photos to this blog post.