We are going to release openSUSE 11.2 soon, so I want to let you know about one problem you may expect. One of the openSUSE 11.2 features is support for ext4. Well, if you will just click on next all the time during the installation, default filesystem for your root partition will be ext4. What is the problem with that? Well, ext4 in current kernel has barriers enabled by default. It’s not a problem, it’s a feature, but it has some unpleasant side effects which you may encounter. Let’s take a closer look.
We have announced Junior Jobs in the Monday and we already have the contributions! People are interested! It’s not in factory yet but it’s on its way there. Let’s be more specific. Currently I’m speaking about bug 546020. David Binderman reported missing free in barcode package. As this is easy to fix, it was marked as a Junior Job. And here comes our community member, Marek Belisko, fixes the bug and sends us submit request. It was accepted by package maintainer and resend to the Factory. He also fixed bug 432596 in libunwind. And again, his fix was approved and it is on its way to the Factory. Once these two fixes (and some more) will be accepted in Factory, his name will be in changelog of these packages forever!
Have you always wanted to be openSUSE Contributor? What was stopping you? You just didn’t know where to start? Well every package has some maintainer and you can try to find some problems, fix them and then submit fix to the maintainer… But in the beginning you may encounter too hard problem or you’ll fix it few days after maintainer does it or even you’ll do the fix for old version which wouldn’t be needed after planned update. And of course it’s not so easy to find something that is broken 😉
Some additional notes about openSUSE Conference 2009. This time I want to mention my talks and point you to my slides if you are interested in them.
Building your own distro
We originally created this presentation with Mare Stopka for LineExpo 2009. Then it was rewritten for openSUSE Conference 2009. It’s brief presentation how you can create your own distribution based on openSUSE. It starts with introduction to the openSUSE Build Service and then it continues with brief introduction to the SUSE Studio
Last Thursday I have returned from Germany, where I was attending openSUSE Conference 2009 and then we had a kick-off meeting with our new team. I’ll write something about our meeting later. Now I want to write something about conference.
Conference was great. Meeting so many people interested in openSUSE. And so many interesting talks. Sometimes it was really hard to decide where to go as there were four simultaneous talks most of the time. My todo list was growing most of the time. I’ll mention few talks I found most interesting in random order.
One member of openSUSE Community started very interesting project I want to inform you about. What is it about? It is publicly available virtual machine with openSUSE Milestone. So if you want to test how openSUSE 11.2 would look like without installing it on your computer or just want to show your friends why should they use openSUSE then this project let’s you do so easily.
Author of this project is Jaromír Červenka and you can read something about this project in one of his blog posts. But as his blog is in Czech, I’ll mention few things as well.
You probably alread heard about this from others. There is going to be openSUSE Conference during september 17-20 in Nuremberg. Everybody is advertising it and so do I. I also want to mention talks and events, I’m going to attend. These events are taken from official schedule and from Unconference schedule.
LibUI: Three interfaces for the price of one (Thursday 13:30 – 14:15)
One thing that is great about Yast in my opinion is that it’s functionality is available through several different UI. You can choose Qt, GTK or ncurses UI. If I understand it correctly, libUI is making this easy to do. And I want to know more about this so I can use it in future in my future projects.