This is mostly a note to myself. Once in a long while I need to add a new computer as Salt minion. And I always forget how to verify the fingerprints of the key. I know the probability of somebody intercepting the handshake is low, but it is possible nevertheless.
Long time ago, I started writing a blog. Nowadays it is kinda old fashion. People just watch TicTok at best. Nobody reads anymore.
I also write less and less. Kinda because it is hard to find the time and hard to finish. I have few articles that I haven’t finished in my old Wordpress instance just lying around. I just can’t get around to finish them. Part of the problem is that I don’t have a time in front of of computer. When I’m in front of computer, I have a ton of work that I need to do and finishing article and publishing it is quite down the list.
Smart watches are obviously the cool thing right now. I took a look at few of them and I like some of the features, but so far I haven’t found the one that would be a perfect fit for me. What do I miss? I’ll write about that bellow with few examples of the watches that I kinda like for one reason or other. And if I missed the ultimate one, please let me know!
Let’s start this with a little background. I work at CZ.NIC on Turris project. So I’m definitely biased. But this post is my own, written in my free time and express just my own opinions and it explicitly doesn’t represent opinions of the company I work for unless by chance.
So now you know the background, so let’s take a look at what Turris MOX actually is. It is marketed as modular open source router. Well Turris project is about secure routers, so it makes sense. But what I like about it is that it is actually quite nice and modular single board computer. If you are wondering what single board computers are, check Wikipedia or think Raspberry Pi which is the most well known example and probably one of the worst options you have.
I’m currently working at CZ.NIC, Czech domain registry on project Turris which are awesome open source WiFI (or WiFi free) routers. For those we developed quite some interesting features. One of them is honeypot that you don’t run on your own hardware (what if somebody managed to escape) but you basically do man in the middle on the attacker and forward him to the honeypot we are running behind many firewalls. We had this option for quite some time on our routers. But because plenty of people around the world found the idea really interesting and wanted to join, this part of our project got separated, has its own team of developers and maintainers and you can now join with your own server as well! And to make it super easy, packages are available in Tumbleweed already and also in security repo where they are being build for Leap as well.
As you might have noticed, I’m running for re-election. I served my first term as openSUSE Board member, learned a lot and I think I could represent you well for another two years. Although this years elections will be tough as we have in the end quite some strong candidates. So honestly, I have no worries regarding result of the elections as it can’t end badly. Compare it to real world politics and elections where the results can be either bad or even worse… But even though our elections are quite friendly, it is still competition. So what would I do if I get elected? Why should you vote for me? I’ll try to answer it in this post.
About two weeks ago I was on the annual openSUSE Board face to face meeting. It was great and you can read reports of what was going on in there on openSUSE project mailing list. In this post I would like to focus on my other agenda I had while coming to Nuremberg. Nuremberg is among other things SUSE HQ and therefore there is a high concentration of skilled engineers and I wanted to take an advantage of that…