4 Conferences in October in Prague

There will be a lot going on in fall this year in Prague. There will be awesome cluster of four conferences! And as I’m somehow involved in all of them, I want to promote them a little bit as well. So what’s going on? There is openSUSE Conference coming to Prague. We were planning where to have it, how to do it and stuff like that. During the planning of this one and one new Czech one called LinuxDays, I took Jos with me to the LinuxDays conference meeting so we can discuss how can both conferences help each other.

Help me polish MySQL in openSUSE 12.2

If you are following news regarding openSUSE and MySQL, you probably already know, that we have both MySQL and MariaDB in openSUSE to allow users to choose what they want to use. And if these two options are not enough, we’ve got server:database repository with newest and greatest development versions of both and MySQL Cluster on to of that. I think all this is great and awesome, that we have all of that.

Some news about MySQL in obs

If you follow MySQL community at least as much as I do (browsing trough the planet from time to time), you know that some exciting milestones were reached both in Oracles MySQL and in MariaDB. And as I love bleeding edge software, you can try all these exciting things prepackaged in openSUSE 😉 Oracles MySQL Let’s start with news from guys at Oracle. Recently they released new MySQL Cluster 7.2. Yes 7.

KDE 4.8 Release party

Last week on Friday we had a KDE 4.8 release party in Prague. It took us some time to organize everything, but in the end everything went well. For those of you who missed the party, little overview (and some photos, sorry, no cake left). Loading... Even though it was a Prague release party, we spoke quite a lot in English as well. Why? Well most of our speakers don’t speak Czech (yet).

openSUSE on Android (chroot only)

You all probably heard about Ubuntu for Android, right? Ubuntu is very good in the marketing and they can do a lot of locomotion around everything. So what if you have Android, want to use Linux distribution and Ubuntu isn’t your cup of tee? You can use openSUSE of course! Let me show you how… Requirements What do you need? Obviously some device with Android. And as our main focus in openSUSE is on newer devices, you’ll need armv7 one.

Alternative architectures in OBS

As you may already know, there are initiatives in openSUSE community to get our great openSUSE running even on non-mainstream architectures. I’m particularly interested into openSUSE on ARM but I’m rooting for our colleagues who are working on getting PPC support in openSUSE. Of course we are using OBS to do that and there is one minor think that you might not noticed yet. Anybody can build for these architectures!!! It is still slow, so don’t enable it just for every repo you have, but if you want to help us and contribute to our porting initiatives, this can help you, save you some time and can make it easier for you to contribute!

How did I enjoyed FOSDEM 2012?

As every year, FOSDEM was great! I spend some time at our stand talking to the people, telling them how great openSUSE is. I visited several interesting talks and met a lot of people, quite some of them I no longer remember (sorry), but I took some business cards and notes from some interesting talks. Some talks I haven’t got enough space to sit and type, some were too interesting to take a notes 😀